Things I'm Loving in February

Things I'm Loving 

1. My Fitbit
If anyone knows me, they know I am super frugal and won't buy something I won't use. This is why I went back and forth between getting a FitBit. I ended up buying an older model from my friend and I haven't looked back. I use my FitBit to track my workouts, sleep and how much water I drink. My FitBit has actually given me motivation to work out because it keeps me accountable.

2. Rest
Our fall and holiday season was insane. In January, Thomas' parents opened a restaurant, which we worked at every weekend. In February, we said "no" to weekend activities so that we could say "yes" to rest. This was life changing. There are few better feelings than waking up late on a Saturday morning, making cinnamon roles and lounging around. I understand that not every season has the ability to take a whole weekend off to rest, but try 10 minutes a day or 1 hour on a Thursday evening. Here's a great podcast I listened to about rest and Sabbath.

3. Overnight Oats
My husband came home from work one day talking about overnight oats. After a week of eating them, he told me I HAD to try them. Now, I have always been a bagel and cream cheese girl, and cold oat meal? Yeah, no thanks. However, I experimented a little bit and now I love them! I'll share my recipe, but with a simple Pinterest search, you can find just about any recipe for them. The only thing is you need to make them the night before-which I love because less work in the morning!

In a small container
-fill halfway with dry oats
-dash of flax seed
-dash of vanilla protein powder
-dash of brown sugar
-handful of chocolate chips (mini chocolate are great for this!)
-2-3 cut up strawberries (depending on size)
-add milk until oats are soaked
-place in fridge overnight

What I'm Reading

1. If You Only Knew by Jamie Ivey

If you read my blog from January, you read about how I got my inspiration to write again. The podcast that inspired it was Jamie Ivey's, The Happy Hour. So I was thrilled when she released her new book. And it was a great read. The power of vulnerability is a powerful thing. God truly works all things together for his glory and Jamie displays this in her book.

Favorite Quote: " I had been given too many chances to turn my life around and I had rejected them all, so surely God would do the same to me. Rejection was the only option I could conceive in my mind. I had rejected Him, so therefore He would reject me...except for the fact that He is Jesus, and Jesus doesn't do rejection. He pursues hearts."

2. Unseen by Sara Hagarty

In this book, Sara talks about what it's like to be hidden in God, when we live in a world that so desperately fights for our attention.  

Favorite Quote: "Or maybe you've achieved your big goal or gotten a big promotion but still go home from the celebration party feeling empty, anxious that you won't be able to do what others expect. Even in your greatest successes, you get to have secret conversation with God. He sees you offstage and on Saturdays, away from your position.
Our growth in Him can happen at any venue and in any season of life. Whether or not our task, our careers, our families seem successful at the time. And the times that God hides us, sometimes away from successes or applauding hands, are often the times when our roots reach deeper into the earth. We grow, down."

I've only read nonfiction books so far this year-if you have a fiction (or non-fiction) book you love, let me know!!
