I know I cannot be the only one scratching my head, wondering where 2015 went. Life seems to be passing by way too quickly. 2015 was one for the books. I was honestly a little sad Thursday night. I didn't want to say goodbye to such a good year. But I eagerly await all that 2016 has in store. I believe that it will be a fantastic year and I can't wait to see what life looks like this time next year. At the end of the year, I like to review what happened-so here it goes...
-I rang in the New Year with some friends in Charlotte. That night, I knew that 2015 was going to be special (largely in part to the guy in the orange).

-I started student teaching fourth grade
-I saw plenty of beautiful sunrises

-My Valentine's date was Adrionna. We spent the day exploring Greenville.

-There was 2 (I think) ice storms. School was closed for a couple days. One week, SC actually declared a state of emergency because of all the snow and ice we would get....Anderson did get any. So that was disheartening. But the ice was pretty.

-March is my least favorite month. Nothing super excited happened during March. I continued student teaching and preparing for the future.

-Spring Break was at the very beginning of the month. My mom and I went down to Savannah to visit some family. It was so pretty down there!

-I turned in my last college assignment! It was like the biggest weight being lifted off my shoulder!
-I went out on a date and started *officially* dating Thomas (best decision ever)

-The county fair came to Anderson. Some buds and I hit up $2 night and had a blast. I love funnel cakes and carnival rides.


-Ben Rector concert on my last night in South Carolina (I thought)

-I moved out of my college apartment (lots of tears were shed) and made my way back to Charlotte.
-Slide the City in Spartanburg

-Wedding #1

-I got my official teaching certificate. A couple days later I had several interviews in the Anderson area. I accepted a job as a special education teacher! I teach in inclusion classrooms and help students in specifically reading, writing and math.

-Rebekah turned 21

-Anna Harper and I went and saw TAYLOR SWIFT! It was such an incredible experience.

-Wedding #2

-Some friends and I took a spontaneous day trip to Charleston...it was so much fun!

-One of my best friends from high school got married. (Wedding #3) It was so much fun to celebrate Ellie!

-The last week of July, I moved back to Anderson. Although I knew I would be living in Anderson, I wasn't sure where I would be living until a week before I needed to be at work. It was stressful, but thankfully, everything worked out and I live in the cutest little duplex. I have loved getting to make this place a home :)

-I started my first teaching job!!! The first two weeks was orientation, meetings and working in the classroom. Finally, on August 18, I met some of the most precious faces. You can read more about my teaching experience a little here . It's been the most rewarding, yet challenging seasons of my life.

-Thomas and I joined a community group at church. It's been so wonderful meeting new people in the area. I have loved meeting weekly to just do life with believers.
-Thomas and I went to Carowinds with his brother and sister-in-law. We had so much fun. Although I grew up about 20 minutes from Carowinds, I didn't go a whole lot, mostly because roller coasters scared me. But they've grown on me- so it was a fun day.

-Labor Day weekend started off in Charlotte. On the way to church, my parents and I were in a bus wreck. It was scary, but thankfully we were safe.

-I took a trip to Myrtle Beach with Thomas' family. It was so much fun to spend the weekend away and the weather was nice enough to sit on the beach that Saturday.

-I turned 23. Twenty-freaking-three. I cannot believe it. It was fun celebrating. Thomas came and brought me lunch and my mom and sister came down that weekend to celebrate. It was fun seeing them and showing them where I worked.
-Clemson game! My good friend, Morgan, from Charlotte was visiting from Texas, so we got to catch up. Unfortunately, it rained almost the whole game and the tailgating fields were disgusting.

-Wedding #4

- Schools don't celebrate *Halloween* but we do celebrate "Book Character Day." It was so much fun dressing up and seeing all the costumes the kids created! Can you guess what we were?

-P A N T H E R S Game!!!! Can we just stop and sec and marvel at their season? I've cheered for the Panthers my whole life, but this year has been special. I loved being in Charlotte over Christmas break and seeing so many people wearing Panthers shirts and jersey. And maybe there are some bandwagon fans, but who cares? Fans are fans. #KeepPounding

--My family traveled to Arkansas (14 hours) to spend Thanksgiving with my cousins. It had been several years that we had all been together. My cousins brought their girlfriends/wives and one even has a baby now. It's fun growing up and catching up with them.

-I was nominated for Teacher of the Week by Forms and Supplies Inc. (the official sponsor for the Carolina Panthers. It was such an honor and pretty neat to be nominated my first year of teaching. I got some pretty cool school supplies out of it too!
-Second grade classes did Christmas Around the World the last week of school. I taught the students about Germany-where the Christmas tree originated. Therefore, I did what anyone would do...dressed like a Christmas tree.

-My family celebrated Christmas in the Bahamas this year. My parents decided that instead of Christmas presents, we would go on a trip. We went on a cruise throughout the Caribbean. It was relaxing and even more beautiful.

-Lastly, Thomas came up to Charlotte for the last couple days of 2015. It was great to be in Charlotte and having him with me. We went to the mall, Discovery Place (if you're in the Charlotte area, check out Body Worlds), played games, cooked, watched Clemson WIN the Orange Bowl, and rang in the 2016 (before falling asleep 8 minutes after the ball dropped).

Cheers to 2016! 2015 was definitely one for the books. There were so many life changes, but it was so much fun. I am excited for this next year and all that it holds. We're only 5 days into the new year and I have a good feeling about it. Thanks for going on this journey of life with me. And thank you for reading this super long blog post!! Happy 2016!
-I rang in the New Year with some friends in Charlotte. That night, I knew that 2015 was going to be special (largely in part to the guy in the orange).
-I started student teaching fourth grade
-I saw plenty of beautiful sunrises
-My Valentine's date was Adrionna. We spent the day exploring Greenville.
-There was 2 (I think) ice storms. School was closed for a couple days. One week, SC actually declared a state of emergency because of all the snow and ice we would get....Anderson did get any. So that was disheartening. But the ice was pretty.
-I turned in my last college assignment! It was like the biggest weight being lifted off my shoulder!
-I went out on a date and started *officially* dating Thomas (best decision ever)
-The county fair came to Anderson. Some buds and I hit up $2 night and had a blast. I love funnel cakes and carnival rides.
-Ben Rector concert on my last night in South Carolina (I thought)
-I moved out of my college apartment (lots of tears were shed) and made my way back to Charlotte.
-Slide the City in Spartanburg
-Wedding #1
-I got my official teaching certificate. A couple days later I had several interviews in the Anderson area. I accepted a job as a special education teacher! I teach in inclusion classrooms and help students in specifically reading, writing and math.
-Rebekah turned 21
-Anna Harper and I went and saw TAYLOR SWIFT! It was such an incredible experience.
-Wedding #2
-Some friends and I took a spontaneous day trip to Charleston...it was so much fun!
-One of my best friends from high school got married. (Wedding #3) It was so much fun to celebrate Ellie!
-The last week of July, I moved back to Anderson. Although I knew I would be living in Anderson, I wasn't sure where I would be living until a week before I needed to be at work. It was stressful, but thankfully, everything worked out and I live in the cutest little duplex. I have loved getting to make this place a home :)
-I started my first teaching job!!! The first two weeks was orientation, meetings and working in the classroom. Finally, on August 18, I met some of the most precious faces. You can read more about my teaching experience a little here . It's been the most rewarding, yet challenging seasons of my life.
-Thomas and I joined a community group at church. It's been so wonderful meeting new people in the area. I have loved meeting weekly to just do life with believers.
-Thomas and I went to Carowinds with his brother and sister-in-law. We had so much fun. Although I grew up about 20 minutes from Carowinds, I didn't go a whole lot, mostly because roller coasters scared me. But they've grown on me- so it was a fun day.
-Labor Day weekend started off in Charlotte. On the way to church, my parents and I were in a bus wreck. It was scary, but thankfully we were safe.
-I took a trip to Myrtle Beach with Thomas' family. It was so much fun to spend the weekend away and the weather was nice enough to sit on the beach that Saturday.
-I turned 23. Twenty-freaking-three. I cannot believe it. It was fun celebrating. Thomas came and brought me lunch and my mom and sister came down that weekend to celebrate. It was fun seeing them and showing them where I worked.
-Clemson game! My good friend, Morgan, from Charlotte was visiting from Texas, so we got to catch up. Unfortunately, it rained almost the whole game and the tailgating fields were disgusting.
-Wedding #4
- Schools don't celebrate *Halloween* but we do celebrate "Book Character Day." It was so much fun dressing up and seeing all the costumes the kids created! Can you guess what we were?
-P A N T H E R S Game!!!! Can we just stop and sec and marvel at their season? I've cheered for the Panthers my whole life, but this year has been special. I loved being in Charlotte over Christmas break and seeing so many people wearing Panthers shirts and jersey. And maybe there are some bandwagon fans, but who cares? Fans are fans. #KeepPounding
--My family traveled to Arkansas (14 hours) to spend Thanksgiving with my cousins. It had been several years that we had all been together. My cousins brought their girlfriends/wives and one even has a baby now. It's fun growing up and catching up with them.
-I was nominated for Teacher of the Week by Forms and Supplies Inc. (the official sponsor for the Carolina Panthers. It was such an honor and pretty neat to be nominated my first year of teaching. I got some pretty cool school supplies out of it too!
-Second grade classes did Christmas Around the World the last week of school. I taught the students about Germany-where the Christmas tree originated. Therefore, I did what anyone would do...dressed like a Christmas tree.
-My family celebrated Christmas in the Bahamas this year. My parents decided that instead of Christmas presents, we would go on a trip. We went on a cruise throughout the Caribbean. It was relaxing and even more beautiful.
Turks and Caicos |
San Juan, Puerto Rico |
St. Thomas (my favorite) |
Bahamas-Christmas Day :) |
-Lastly, Thomas came up to Charlotte for the last couple days of 2015. It was great to be in Charlotte and having him with me. We went to the mall, Discovery Place (if you're in the Charlotte area, check out Body Worlds), played games, cooked, watched Clemson WIN the Orange Bowl, and rang in the 2016 (before falling asleep 8 minutes after the ball dropped).
Cheers to 2016! 2015 was definitely one for the books. There were so many life changes, but it was so much fun. I am excited for this next year and all that it holds. We're only 5 days into the new year and I have a good feeling about it. Thanks for going on this journey of life with me. And thank you for reading this super long blog post!! Happy 2016!
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