Goodbye 2014

Well, it's that time of year again. The end. I'll start with saying the standard, "wow I can't believe 2014 is over. It seems that just yesterday I was ringing in 2009. I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store."

Here's a quick recap of 2014 (pictures and all!!)

-chopped off all my hair
-experienced my first Anderson snow

-there was a 2nd (and bigger) snow storm!
-spent Valentine's Day eating cheese fries outside my apartment

-spent Spring Break in Charleston, SC

-RUF Swing Night

-Spring Fling

-Easter in Charlotte

-AU's graduation

-Ben Rector

-Lake Days

-Mother's Day in Greenville, SC

-Memorial Day

-Anna Harper's Graduation

-I was a bridesmaid for the first time!

-Our friend Sadie got married!

-July 4th in Charleston, SC

-work, work, work

-Senior year started!!!

-Parents came to visit
-Panthers Game (they won!!)

-I turned 22
-Went to Wilmington for Ellie's Shower

-Got my hair chopped off--even shorter this time!

-AU's Fall Fest
-Saw Ben Rector for the 5th time!

-Took 3 Praxis

-Thanksgiving in Charlotte

-3rd Annual Finer Things Club Christmas Cookie Swap

-passed all 4 of my Praxis!!!!!!
-Cruise to Mexico/Key West for Christmas

So looking at all these pictures, it seems that I had a pretty good 2014. And I did! I made so many fun memories. I met new friends. I worked a completely different job than I usually do. And I'm now only one semester away from graduation!

But I want to take a minute and be transparent and vulnerable. I think that a lot of people appreciate people being real. It's true that 2014 brought a lot of laughter, joy and good memories. But 2014 also brought a lot of hurt, disappoint and heartache. And that's not what I post. I think that it's really easy for all of us to scroll through our timelines on any social media feed and compare our lives to those around us. But remember, most people don't post pictures of red, puffy eyes and smeared make-up, tweet the true feelings of their heart or post the scribbles of the prayers and aches they've written in their journals. I once heard something like "don't compare your 'behind the scenes' to someone's 'highlight reel.'" When you do that, you'll be nothing but disappointed.

So I gladly wave 2014 farewell. I will not miss it. I learned a lot this year. And I tuck it away in my heart. I won't forget the lessons this year brought, but I will forget the hurt and heartache this year brought. I'm starting fresh. A clean slate. I know that 2015 will bring it's own set of challenges, adventures, heartbreak and memories. I'll be graduating, moving somewhere new, getting a job (hopefully), and making a bunch of new friends! I'm so looking forward to this next step of my journey!

Happy [almost] 2015 friends!!
