I have been super slack with my blog this year. I apologize, but life has been insane. Between planning a wedding and a tough school year, I have not found time to blog. I am really hoping that I will be able to revive this little blog after my wedding in two weeks. Eeek!
Until then, please enjoy several of my favorite "teacher" reads. Some are recent and some are older, but all of them speak to my heart!
Rotten Apple
Enough is Enough
You Think You Know What Teacher Do, Right? Wrong.
Why a 100 Doesn't Make Me Proud
Teacher Quit Principals, Not Schools
The Day I Knew I Was For Sure Burned Out
Hopefully these couple articles provide you with some insight or encouragement as we try to make it through these last couple weeks before Spring Break.
Until then, please enjoy several of my favorite "teacher" reads. Some are recent and some are older, but all of them speak to my heart!
Rotten Apple
Enough is Enough
You Think You Know What Teacher Do, Right? Wrong.
Why a 100 Doesn't Make Me Proud
Teacher Quit Principals, Not Schools
The Day I Knew I Was For Sure Burned Out
Hopefully these couple articles provide you with some insight or encouragement as we try to make it through these last couple weeks before Spring Break.
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