Last summer, my best friend suggested Craiglist when I told her I couldn't find a place to live.
I laughed and said, "no way...that's how a horror movie starts."
But I looked anyways. And I found the perfect 1 bedroom duplex in a wonderful part of town. It seemed too good to be true.
I found out one week before moving in that it was officially mine. I was thrilled.
I have spent the past year or so making this little duplex my home. I love every inch of this space. I love the way the Christmas lights light up my den in the evening. I love drinking my morning coffee at my kitchen table. And I love sitting on my porch, chatting with Thomas as he cooks on the grill.
But sadly, it's time to say goodbye to my little duplex.
Now before you freak out....I'm just moving next door, to a bigger duplex, literally 5 steps from where I live now. But none the less. It's another move. One chapter closing, and another one starting to begin.
When my landlord emailed me a month ago, saying my neighbor was going to move out and asking if I knew anyone looking, I said no, but I would keep my eyes/ears open. Little did I know the plan that was unfolding in Thomas head. One night he urged me to email my landlord, asking if he had someone lined up to move in. "Okay, I'll email him...haha...I know someone else has already snatched it up." HA @ me when I received the email saying "No! Are you interested? He can show you it tomorrow." *straight line face emoji here* I DID NOT want to move!!!!
But after careful consideration...making a detailed pro and con list..Thomas and I decided that the wise, adult decision would be that I move into the two-bedroom and Thomas would join me in April (hallelujah hands!!!). So. I move this weekend.
And I know, in the grand scheme of life, this is a tiny blip. It's almost not even worth changing my address everyone. But it's sad for me. This is the home that I learned how to be an adult in. Its was my safe place during my first year of teaching. Just thinking about moving in 4 days makes me sad.
However, I hold fast to the truth of the Gospel, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." No matter what season of life I'm in, Jesus is faithful. It doesn't matter where I live or what my job is. Holding onto this truth in a time of transition.
Now who wants to help me move :)
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