Perhaps this is the moment...

Last week, I started my second year of teaching. And just when I start to feel old, college students at church ask me what year I am in college. Its all about balance.

My summer was enjoyable. I taught summer school for most of it. I went to the beach, Savannah, and up to Charlotte several times for different things (one of which was my 5 year class reunion!!).  But summer flew by. It feels like I was just packing up my classroom and moving to the front of the school. When I got my keys back and looked at my new room, I was completely overwhelmed. I didn't even know where to start. But then slowly, the room started to come together. I love my room this year. The location of it is perfect, down the hall from the classrooms I go in and across from the cafeteria.

Before :O


Anywho, as exciting as setting up my classroom is, it's definitely not the most important part. This year, I have 8 "official" students that I will teach. I say "official" because I end up teaching 60 something and loving all 600 students in my building. And I am so excited. Now that it is my second year, I have somewhat of an idea about what I'm doing. I have so many great ideas and so does my administration.

Perhaps the most important thing I want to share is the talk our Teacher of the Year gave our staff last week.  She began by passing out a bookmark with a Bible verse on it. (Side note: this is crazy to me. I grew up in private school and sorta believed that public schools had completely cut God out of everything. So you can imagine my disbelief when we were served lunch the first day of work and it was opened with prayer!! How awesome!?) Anyways, its been so cool to see how God comes out in conversations when it isn't necessarily forced. Our teacher of the year told us that Ester 4:14 had been laid on her heart all summer. The English Standard Version of this verse says "And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" but this teacher worded it differently, "Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created." Now this is a loosely interpreted version of the verse, but I think it's beautiful.

"Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created."

Honestly, I had never heard that verse before but it's been on my mind for a week now. I was not created for myself. I was not created to work a job to just make money to support myself. When you think about it, it just becomes a cycle. I've never seen my job as something I do just so I can pay the bills. I LOVE what I do and I LOVE seeing the difference teachers have in young minds.

This verse reminds me that the world is SO much bigger than I am. I am a grain of sand in comparison to the many things of the world, yet Jesus knew exactly how he was going to use me. He knew the caseload of children I was going to have this year, and he knew specifically placed each child I interact with in my path. Some of these young minds, I may never leave a mark on. Yet some of them, I may impact for the rest of their life. And I don't know who is who.

So, here I am. Five days deeps in year two. Praying fervently that Jesus will use me in whatever way He deems fit. May I have the right words...when they are needed. May I do the right thing, when I am suppose to. And may I have wisdom to be silent on some issues (Lord knows sometimes I just need to zip my lips).

PS: I truly hope to be a better blogger this year, but with planning a wedding, I'm not making any promises :)
