Jesus is Good!

These past couple weeks have been, wow, so incredible. God is SO good! Let me start from the beginning. I went home for Thanksgiving almost positive I wasn't coming back to Anderson for spring semester. I was worn down, exhausted, unsure of my future, terrified. Last semester was hard. I was still trying to find friends, figuring out my place, juggling classes, RUF leadership and a job. Life seemed to be crashing down around me. I planned on taking a semester off, maybe finding a job or take a couple classes, but really just take a semester to breathe. I even went to a job interview. But those first two or three weeks of Christmas break showed me that I did need to be in school, teaching was my future and friendships were just starting to get deep and really good. So January 7 I returned to Anderson for spring semester. I was weary at first, but I honestly believe it was the best decision I could've made.
In as month I have:
read 5 (non academic) books,
bonded with the girls on my hall,
gone to an 80s tribute band concert,
had so many encouraging one on ones,
gone a RUF leadership retreat,
stayed up until 6 am,
laughed until my stomach hurt,
experienced ice, tornado, monsoon, 70 degree weather (all in a week actually),
felt at home in a church,
grown deeper in so many friendships,
passed Praxis,
kept a somewhat normal work out schedule.

And guys, that all in one month!! I can't wait to see what happens the rest of this semester!

I was organizing old church notes and such and I stumbled upon my senior exit paper and found this:

"As I go off to college, I do not want to stray from the Lord. If anything, I want to become closer to him. To do this, I have to surround myself with people I know that will keep my accountable. I will join groups that meet during the night, so I have something to do, so I won't be tempted to go and party. It will be important for me to keep learning about the Word and learning God's truth. In doing this, I will keep gaining my knowledge and understanding of God."

And I have found that! My senior year I was praying for the relationships I have right now! It's so incredible to see God answer my prayers. I finally feel a peace about being here. I say these to encourage those of you who are struggling with your first year of college, or those who are going in the fall. It wasn't until this week, second semester of my sophomore year, that I finally felt a peace that this is where I am suppose to be. Give it time. Let Jesus work in your life. Keep praying. Jesus is going to bless you exactly where you are. There will be times that are lonely and suck, but Jesus is going to use those times to depend on him. Many days, he is the only one I can talk to, and that's okay! 

Jesus is so good! Have a fabulous week!
