I am oh so sorry I've been absent the past couple weeks. Life has been CRAZY! I went hiking with my roommate and some girls on my hall, Adrionna and Stacy. We thought it was going to be a nice little hour hike and we'd have some lunch at the top. Nope, I have never sweated so hard. It was 7 miles total. It was fun, but definitely a once in a lifetime event for me!
Last weekend was a Adrionna's birthday and we went and celebrated at a little sushi restaurant on the water. It was the first time I had tried sushi and it was pretty good. I don't think I'll have a craving for it anytime soon, but it was a good experience!
My wonderful parents also brought down the car for me to use this semester for my field placement in the schools.I'm in a third grade class in Easley. I went yesterday and met the teacher and she is about as sweet as she can be! I'm really excited!! The only bothersome thing is that it's about 40 minutes away. Tomorrow is my first day observing, I'm slightly nervous, but pumped to get some experience! I will definitely let y'all know how that goes!
This past week, my school got the privilege of having Rick Warren speak! He was here for some pastor's conference, but also spoke in chapel yesterday. And he spoke right to my heart.
He told the story, found in Exodus 4, about God telling Moses to lay down his staff. When he laid it before God, God transformed it into a snake. Moses picked it up, and it changed back into a staff. This shows a powerful illustration of how when we lay down anything before God, he can make it to be whatever he wants, but as soon as we pick it back up, it becomes useless. Some of the things that we hold on to are our identity, income and influence. We create our identity in so many things: friends, grades, job, sports, whatever it is, it is nothing without God. We also become so wrapped up in our income. Being a college student, I am constantly worrying about all my student loans, tuition, looking for a job in the summer and making money while in school. It's such a big stress in my life. But God calls us to give our money back to Him, only 10%, which is hardly anything. And guess what? The money isn't ours to begin with, it's all His and He has chosen to bless us with it. If we give back to Him, He is going to bless us. God isn't going to ask of us something that He cannot provide for us. We are called to give in FAITH! Lastly, we are called to lay down our influences. The purpose of our influence is not to build ourselves higher, but to speak for those who have no voice. If we lay down that which we don't own, God is going to bless that and do a miracle. But as soon as we take it back, it will die. We have to let go of our grip and allow God to work in our lives!
Today starts my birthday weekend! I have actually have no big plans, I'm just staying here and hanging out with friends, I suppose. It's crazy thinking these are my last couple days as a teenager. I'm just growing up so fast!! I'm excited for this new decade though!
Fall break starts Wednesday, well we have Thursday and Friday off, but I'm leaving early Wednesday afternoon, I'm hoping. Alyssa is coming home with me. I am so excited to see my family and dogs, but especially excited to see the babies! I have been missing Charlotte!!
Until next time!
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Adrionna, Alyssa, me, Stacy |
My wonderful parents also brought down the car for me to use this semester for my field placement in the schools.I'm in a third grade class in Easley. I went yesterday and met the teacher and she is about as sweet as she can be! I'm really excited!! The only bothersome thing is that it's about 40 minutes away. Tomorrow is my first day observing, I'm slightly nervous, but pumped to get some experience! I will definitely let y'all know how that goes!
This past week, my school got the privilege of having Rick Warren speak! He was here for some pastor's conference, but also spoke in chapel yesterday. And he spoke right to my heart.
He told the story, found in Exodus 4, about God telling Moses to lay down his staff. When he laid it before God, God transformed it into a snake. Moses picked it up, and it changed back into a staff. This shows a powerful illustration of how when we lay down anything before God, he can make it to be whatever he wants, but as soon as we pick it back up, it becomes useless. Some of the things that we hold on to are our identity, income and influence. We create our identity in so many things: friends, grades, job, sports, whatever it is, it is nothing without God. We also become so wrapped up in our income. Being a college student, I am constantly worrying about all my student loans, tuition, looking for a job in the summer and making money while in school. It's such a big stress in my life. But God calls us to give our money back to Him, only 10%, which is hardly anything. And guess what? The money isn't ours to begin with, it's all His and He has chosen to bless us with it. If we give back to Him, He is going to bless us. God isn't going to ask of us something that He cannot provide for us. We are called to give in FAITH! Lastly, we are called to lay down our influences. The purpose of our influence is not to build ourselves higher, but to speak for those who have no voice. If we lay down that which we don't own, God is going to bless that and do a miracle. But as soon as we take it back, it will die. We have to let go of our grip and allow God to work in our lives!
Today starts my birthday weekend! I have actually have no big plans, I'm just staying here and hanging out with friends, I suppose. It's crazy thinking these are my last couple days as a teenager. I'm just growing up so fast!! I'm excited for this new decade though!
Fall break starts Wednesday, well we have Thursday and Friday off, but I'm leaving early Wednesday afternoon, I'm hoping. Alyssa is coming home with me. I am so excited to see my family and dogs, but especially excited to see the babies! I have been missing Charlotte!!
Until next time!
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