This weekend was crazy busy. Friday night was the Spring Fling. A group of us went out to Chili's beforehand which is always yummy. The dance was in this place right next to the lake. It was really pretty. Honestly, it was kinda lame but I had fun acting goofy with my friends.
group at dance |
group at school |
Saturday the RUF group went hiking in OConee state park. First we played a little frisbee and then ate lunch. Then we went on a 2.5 mile hike to a little waterfall. It was so beautiful! God's creation is so beautiful to me! The hike back was a little tougher because it was going uphill, but we survived!
Sunday, we went to church as usual, but afterwards we went to the lake. Joy knew a family knew knew this couple that's goes to our church and they live out on the lake. They had us over for lunch and then we went on a boat ride. It was kinda cloudy so there it got a little chilly, but it was so much fun. I love boat rides and the lake so much.
After getting back to school, it was homework time. I had two papers to write and 2 tests to study for. Luckily, I finished one of the papers pretty easily and I just had to the 2 tests today. Spanish was a little rough, but I think I did okay. I just finished a paper due tomorrow, and that's about all I have left for the semester (besides finals). I have to give a mini math lesson on Friday, but it shouldn't be too bad. 6 more days of classes! I'm so excited, I am so ready to be home and see my family, babies and Bryce.
Speaking of which, today I checked my mail and I had 2 letters and 2 packages. A letter from my dad and one from Bryce and then a package from my mom and flowers from Bryce. I am seriously so blessed with the parents and boyfriend I have! I love getting mail :)
All the mail |
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