Many of you know that I my dream was to be part of the CCA staff, a cheerleading company that travel through the US putting on camps. I had wanted to do it since my first camp in 7th grade. Last Spring, I tried out. I made my video, filled out all the paper work, and told my testimony. Unfortunately, I was not selected to do the summer portion. I was devastated. I was, however, put on a "will call" list if they needed people for certain camps and/or competitions.
Last Tuesday, one of my best friends, Mackenzie, texted me asking what I was doing this weekend because they needed workers for the Carolina classic competition. When I found out I had to be there Friday at 6, I refused because I was going to go to a RUF Valentine's dinner. But then I started to feel like I needed to go, like God was just telling me a really needed to. So I called Kenzie and said I could and then she told me that my sister was coming too! I was so excited.
Kenzie picked me up Friday around 3 then we headed back to North Carolina. Well first, we had to pick up her friend at Wofford who was also helping us. We stopped in Charlotte to pick up my sister and we drove to Winston Salem. We were suppose to be there by 7, buttt there was more traffic than we thought so we ended up getting there around 8:30..whoops. We helped set things up, and since the competition was on a college campus, we stayed in dorms (just can't get away from dorm life.) They were actually really nice. We watched Brothers on netflix and fell asleep.
The next morning we got up around 7:15 and had to go get breakfast (Bojangles) then we had to be at the gym at 9. We mostly just hung around and got things ready. In the morning was single and duo competitions, which quite frankly I don't really understand, but whatever floats their boat. I was just directing traffic. Then we had a lunch break and after lunch is when we really started to do our job. Rebekah and I were spotters. It's pretty self-explanatory, but when the teams went up to do their stunts, we would just stand behind them in case anything fell. Thankfully, nothing too horrible happened and we never had to step in.
After the competition, we had to clean up and put everything away and then we were on our way back to school. We stopped in Charlotte to drop my sis off and Kenzie's dad made us a yummy dinner. I got back to school around 10:30. I was glad to get back Saturday because I had so much I had to do Sunday. It was a really good weekend! I'm glad I went. It was so good seeing my sis and Kenzie!
Last Tuesday, one of my best friends, Mackenzie, texted me asking what I was doing this weekend because they needed workers for the Carolina classic competition. When I found out I had to be there Friday at 6, I refused because I was going to go to a RUF Valentine's dinner. But then I started to feel like I needed to go, like God was just telling me a really needed to. So I called Kenzie and said I could and then she told me that my sister was coming too! I was so excited.
Kenzie picked me up Friday around 3 then we headed back to North Carolina. Well first, we had to pick up her friend at Wofford who was also helping us. We stopped in Charlotte to pick up my sister and we drove to Winston Salem. We were suppose to be there by 7, buttt there was more traffic than we thought so we ended up getting there around 8:30..whoops. We helped set things up, and since the competition was on a college campus, we stayed in dorms (just can't get away from dorm life.) They were actually really nice. We watched Brothers on netflix and fell asleep.
The next morning we got up around 7:15 and had to go get breakfast (Bojangles) then we had to be at the gym at 9. We mostly just hung around and got things ready. In the morning was single and duo competitions, which quite frankly I don't really understand, but whatever floats their boat. I was just directing traffic. Then we had a lunch break and after lunch is when we really started to do our job. Rebekah and I were spotters. It's pretty self-explanatory, but when the teams went up to do their stunts, we would just stand behind them in case anything fell. Thankfully, nothing too horrible happened and we never had to step in.
After the competition, we had to clean up and put everything away and then we were on our way back to school. We stopped in Charlotte to drop my sis off and Kenzie's dad made us a yummy dinner. I got back to school around 10:30. I was glad to get back Saturday because I had so much I had to do Sunday. It was a really good weekend! I'm glad I went. It was so good seeing my sis and Kenzie!
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Lookin all official! |
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