Classes started the 17th. I am taking Foundations of Education, Educational Psychology, Elementary Math, Human Biology, and a Freshman Seminar Class (FYE). I really enjoy my professors and have realized how much Covenant Day taught me. It prepared me so well for college.
There was a Target party for Clemson and Anderson students. Free samples were given and there was even a dance party in the baby section. I went with some girls down the hall (Sarah, Joy and Kelsey.)
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Kelsey, Target Dog, Joy, Me |
The month of August felt like an eternity. I didn't know what to do with all my time and still dont at times. But I developed lots of friendships and spent a lot of time in God's Word.
For Labor Day, I was planning on going home with one of my friends, but I woke up on Friday morning and called my mom asking her if I could come home. I told her not to tell my sisters. Rebekah and Anna Harper had no idea and were excited that I had come home. We spent the weekend just hanging out and going to Matthew's Alive. It was great, but I was excited to get back to Anderson on Monday. Labor Day weekend was also the weekend that I got back together with my boyfriend. We had broken up at the beginning of August so we could go into college with freedom and not having to worry about holding each other back. Well, that didn't work out too well. So on Saturday, via Skype, Bryce asked me to start dating him again, and of course, I said yes :) It has actually been so so good. The distance is hard, but it has built our relationship even more.
The next weekend was the Clemson/Wofford game. Since Anderson is only about 20 minutes away and one of my best friend's cheers for Wofford, my family decided to come down for the game. It was a blast and I got to see some of my old high school friends!
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Me and Kathleen |
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Me and Rebekah |
The next Friday (9th) our RUF drove down to Atlanta for a Braves game. Bryce's roommate is a huge Brave's fan and since Atlanta is the 1/2 mark between AU and Covenant, they drove down to the game. I had a good time seeing Bryce and hanging out with my friends, but the goodbye wasn't fun. I just had to keep reminding myself that I was going to see him in less than a month.
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Me, Kelsey and Joy |
Camping. I love camping. I have been several times with one of my friends, Jessie, and her family. So when RUF planned a camping trip I was so excited. We left Friday (16) and set up camp in Saluda, NC. It was good to fellowship with my fellow classmates and just to hang out without worrying about school work. Saturday we went apple picking, what was suppose to be a 20 minute drive ended up taking an hour. But we got there and had such a good time. Then we came back and played games, sat in hammocks, played frisbee, etc. That night we made smores and looked at the stars. It was such a good weekend admiring God's creation.
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The group! |
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Joy and I picking apples |
The first weekend in October was homecoming at CDS. I left school around 1 and arrived in Charlotte around 3. Rebekah wanted me to come to tailgating, so I did. I got to see all my high school friends and teachers and hang out with them for a bit. Next, I went to the Varsity Volleyball game, where I was reunited with Ashley, Jessie, Leah and Bailey. At 7 was the soccer game. I was so excited. I got to see Emily, Blair, Kenzie, Kristen, and so many others. I enjoyed the free food and fellowship I had with each of my classmates. Saturday I got to hang out with my family. We went and saw Courageous (it was so good...go see it!!) and ran errands to Wal-mart and such. Sunday I was back on 85 heading back to school. This time I was excited for the week ahead. I only had 3 days of classes and then fall break!!
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Tailgating with my sis! |
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Carol Ann! |
FALL BREAK: Wednesday afternoon my mom and aunt came and picked me up. We then went to Atlanta to visit my uncle. Thursday was an exciting day filled with Old Hickory House, Old Navy and Walmart. It was a good afternoon, but what I was looking forward to was that night. At 5 o'clock we said our goodbyes and headed up to Lookout Mountain. The car ride seemed to take forever, and it didn't help that we kept on getting lost. But FINALLY, around 8:30 we found Covenant College. I was filled with a sense of peace when I saw my dear boyfriend standing on the sidewalk anxiously waiting for me. We went to Chili's that night and then I moved into Beth Ann's room. Friday morning, I woke up and looked at my phone. I had 9 text messages. Wondering why I had suddenly become so popular, I remembered that it was my birthday. The big 1-9. My last year of being a teenager. I went to chapel, then my mom and aunt came and took me out to lunch (Bryce still had classes.) After lunch and a short tour, I had to get dressed for my birthday dinner. Now, awhile back, Bryce told me that the weekend I was coming was homecoming weekend, so I should get a dress for the dance. Well I bought my dress and guess what? Yepp, there was no dance. Bryce told me to bring it anyway and I could wear it to dinner that night. Well as I was getting ready, I was talking to one of Beth Ann's roommate who informed me that there was, in fact, a dance that night. I gave her a confused look and she became flustered saying "Never mind, it's been cancelled." So the surprise had been ruined, but the night had not. Bryce took me to O'Charley's, our favorite restaurant. Then upon our return on the mountain, there was jazz music playing and people dancing. Now, neither Bryce nor I are the best dancers. But we had a good time goofing around and pretending to be good. Saturday was a chill day. We just hung out around campus and went to the soccer game that night. Afterwards, there were fireworks. We stayed up until 5 that morning just talking and laughing and crying. It was so good. Sunday, we went to church and then said our goodbyes. A 4 hour trip back to Anderson ended up taking almost 6 because of wrong turns. But I got back and was suddenly thrown back into reality. A reality where my boyfriend isn't 5 seconds away and where I actually have to go to class and do work. The week upon returning to Anderson was difficult. But like everything, it passed.

Last Tuesday was 80s skate night. It was fun, but i ended up with a huge blister on my ankle. I loved dressing up :)
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Joy, Kelsey, and I |
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Joy, Me and Sarah |
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Dance Partners :) |
Then Saturday, Joy and I decorated our doors for the trick-or-treaters coming later in the week.
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My Door |
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Sarah, Joy and Kelsey's Door |
Then we went to the soccer games (girls won in double OT and boys won in the last couple seconds.) Then a group of us headed up to Greenville for a festivel. Restaurants had set up tents in downtown Greenville and you could get food in exchange for tickets. The lines were long and the streets were packed. Joy and I split 8 tickets and got cupcakes and a chocolate chip peacan pie, yumm!
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Adam, Joy, Me, Kristen, Lindsey and Simons |
Last night AU's staff brings their children to trick or treat in the dorms. I joined Joy, Kelsey and Sarah to pass out candy. We decided to all be Toy Story characters.
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Hamm(Sarah)Jessie(Me) Buzz Lightyear(Joy) Mrs. Potatoe Head(Kelsey) *Mr. Potatoe Head was there, but not allowed upstairs yet |
Overall, college has been awesome. There have been points where I have felt lonely and discouraged, but all the good times have outweighed those. I am extremely thankful for God placing me here at Anderson and placing such amazing people in my life thus far! Thank you all for the prayer and letters that have been sent my way!
Happy Happy Birthday two weeks ago! Love, Dad